Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Cs Lewis 4 Loves - 1982 Words
Introduction: C.S. Lewis writes about God-love and Gift-love and the differences between both. He starts off describing Need-love. The best I can describe Need-love is in this passage on page 2: We are born helpless. As soon as we are fully conscious we discover loneliness. We need others physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know anything, even ourselves. We can perceive Need-love to be selfish but as C.S. Lewis uses an example to describe how Need-love is not always selfish, Need-love in consciousness- in other words, the illusory feeling that it is good for us to be alone- is a bad spiritual symptom; just as lack of appetite is a bad medical symptom because men do really need food. After this Lewis†¦show more content†¦Lewis goes on to say that these three do not only apply to ones country but to other things as well. Affection: Affection is, as C.S. Lewis describes it, Love in which our experience seems to differ least form that of the animals (p. 31). The Greeks call affection love storge. C.S. Lewis gives us an example of storge, which involves a women and her child. C.S. Lewis explains The Need and Need-love of the young is obvious; so is the Gift-love of the motherÂ…. There is a paradox. It is a Need-love but what it needs is to give. It is a Gift-love but it needs to be needed (p. 32). C.S. Lewis goes on to say that this love is the most discriminating of all the loves and Almost anyone can become an object of Affection; the ugly, the stupid, even the exasperating (p. 32). Affection pays no attention to age, sex, class, education, and even species. C.S. Lewis gives the most important cause of Affection, familiarity. One must be familiar with an object, animal, or person in able to feel Affection towards it. Once Affection is noticed within the relationship some time has already gone by after Affect ion has become. In other words no one can say when Affection actually began in a relationship. C.S. Lewis describes Affection as The humblest love. It gives itself no airs. People can be proud of being ‘in love, or of friendship. Affection is modest- evenShow MoreRelatedComparison Of CS Lewiss Works and JK Rowlings Works1104 Words  | 5 Pages The work of C.S. Lewis and J.K. Rowling is of grave vital on the grounds that their work portrays actuality as well as adds to it. Yes, their work is not just a portrayal of actuality; it is somewhat a quality expansion. Their meeting expectations are depictions of the reasoning examples and social standards pervasive commonly. They are a delineation of the diverse features of regular mans existence. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Intellectual Property Rights Assignments - Click to Get Solution
Question: How important is intellectual property to the world economy? Should the averae consumer concern himself or herself with theft of intellectual property? What about the average citizen? The average worker? Does intellectual property theft undermine the workings of the free-market system? What is the impact of Chinas lack of aggressive enforcement of intellectual property rights on its economic development in the short run? In the long run? Answer: Introduction Intellectual Property rights form the basis of the well-functioning market systems of today. With any capitalist system, the maximum value out of the product must go to the innovator or the creator. This concept motivates them to create new state of the art innovations and create brands and products which consumers tend to remember over a long period of time. Intellectual Property rights tend to protect the manufacturers in the world economy. They are like rights to safeguard ones creativity. (Ross, 2012) Thesis statement The indispensable need of IPR, the setbacks of wanting awareness regarding it and the consequences of its deficiency Purpose of paper The paper focusses on the importance of IPR globally and how a slapdash system of restriction operated in different economies can bring stagnancy in their revenue generation. Overview of paper The paper gives a synopsis about the prevalent drawbacks of the dearth of IPR, pitfall in the patenting systems of today, how the awareness about IPR is the need of the hour and how various economies like china are experiencing a dip in revenue in spite of their tie-ups with larger brands Body It is often observed that intellectual property is not a property but is rather opposite to private-property or the free-market order. Patent are considered as exclusive monopolies being brought into interest to promote personal benefits. Initially, granting of patents was being done by governments to raise capital with using the tax clauses. In return, the patentee received protection from the competitors. Today, we come across a democratic and institutional intellectual property system. While now anyone can apply, the purpose has become somewhat deviant. Some organizations just apply to keep the competitors at docks. Now, creativity or discouragement occurs in cases where an organization lagging in research applies for a patent in comparison to a researcher much closer to results. As the scenario of challenging an organization with millions of patents registered in its name seems rather laughable, the individual may end up not getting the actual intellectual property protection whi ch we were out to protect in the first place. (Perkowski, 2012) Even in US, the founding fathers saw the IPR as ways of inducing and nurturing creativity. For the sole purpose, patents were allocated for minimal periods. The language of protection is used to protect the monopolies and make the actual individuals in need suffer. We realize that intellectual property in many ways undermines the free market system. One of the major areas known for its piracy activities globally are in the lands of China. We saw multiple instances of piracy and how Chinese government has failed to create stronger restriction in order to force people to abstain from such practices. Lack of aggressive enforcement of intellectual property rights leads to damage to economy in the short run also. The increasing piracy levels tend to act as negative agents and reduce profitability. Further, creativity is lost and consumers are exposed to counterfeit products and sub-standard quality. Brand loyalty is jeopardized and organizations end up losing a large chunk of their revenues. Thus, damage to company reputation and financials occur. This is a negative agent and prevents companies from investing in such a market. (Why is IP Important) Further, when it comes to the pharmaceutical sector, we realize some fake manufacturers have gone a step ahead and sell pirated medicines. The composition of such medicines is incorrect and can cause to loss of life or severe health conditions can result from consumption. But since the regulations are softer, the culprits tend to get off easily. Further, as we read most of these have associations within the government which makes them go ahead easily and creating the piracy nuisance.(Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Creative Economy, 2013) Presence of fake luxury products like fake Rolex watches or Prada bags only leads to loss of revenue for these big organizations. Further, there is a possibility associated with piracy. The piracy also leads to loss of revenue on behalf of the government. As billing is improper, the government may lose taxes and suffer in the long run. This brings economic harm and creates panic in the system. We must not forget that foreign nations tend to suffer more in this scenario. This forces them to reduce or innovate. For E.g. EA sports came up with more online market based products due to which CD based gaming was reduced. Ultimately, the product went off the shelves and was purchasable mainly online. Due to this, there was loss of revenue for retailers and further, jobs cut occurred in industries which were in some or the other way associated with hardware parts of the same in China. (Worstall, 2015) Thus, it is important to realize that although the results may not be totally evident in the short run, the impact becomes severe in the long run. Thus, interest of corporations as well as common individuals can be protected by preventing piracy. Chinese government should focus on stronger and stringent clauses for the same. Conclusion Absence of IPR can only cause efforts of a sole entity or individual and benefits are attained by others. In such scenarios, people tend to abstain from creativity and become more dependent. Although, globalization has introduced huge piracy into the system due to income disparities of developed and developing economies, presence and importance of IPR cannot be ignored. In the parallel case, the recognition is also lost by the creator. We saw the example of a Chinese firm emulating Abro brand. Thus, consumer awareness in a region is limited to the fake entity and the real product value and brand recognition is also lost. Also, presence of fake products increases in the absence of IPR. Fake products promote negative brand image as the brand name is same but the quality is compromised. Also, the loss considerations remain for the intellectual property right owners. (Kassner) Organizations lose huge amounts of revenues due to this case. Ultimately, smaller organizations or individuals are forced to make changes which may not be suitable either to the organization or its consumers. Thus, prevention of piracy and upholding the IPR becomes extremely important for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.(Ohim) Lessons Learned and Recommendations The question of awareness seems more important at higher level than at lower income levels. Yet, the importance cannot be ignored. It is very important for average consumer to know about the concept of piracy and theft of intellectual property. Often, customers unaware buy a product in the name of a great brand. The piracy causes cheating for brand loyal consumers, who may have a bad experience after use and may end up using a different brand. In other cases, customer value for money is not achieved by purchase of products which are in any form related to theft of intellectual property. Poor product value with same amount of money amounts to cheating and thus, customer protection can only occur via awareness about intellectual property rights and prevention of piracy. (Globalization and the Economics of Intellectual Property rights: Dancing the dual distortion) It is also important for average worker to be aware and concerned about intellectual property. With increase in piracy, the products demand reduces. Ultimately, organization has more supply. It either reduces its prices or ends up producing less. In either case, there is a loss of revenue. When the organizations fail to reach a breakeven, job cuts occur and people or average workers end up losing jobs. (Kinsella) For an average citizen too, IPR is very important. Piracy is not only in CDs or content but seen in pharmaceutical zones. In such cases, the life of an individual can be jeopardized. Hence, control of piracy can be made by an aware citizen. This ultimately will prove beneficial to the individual himself. Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved 28 August 2015, from Chinas IP Reform: State Interests Align with Intellectual Property Protection (Again). (n.d.). Retrieved 28 August 2015, from Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights in China. (n.d.). Retrieved 28 August 2015, from European citizens and Intellectual Property: perception, awareness and behaviour. (n.d.). Retrieved 28 August 2015, from Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights: Dancing the dual distortion. (n.d.). Institute of International Economics. Retrieved from Kinsella, S. N. (n.d.). How Intellectual Property Hampers the Free Market | Foundation for Economic Education. Retrieved 28 August 2015, from Perkowski, J. (n.d.). Protecting Intellectual Property Rights In China.Forbes. Forbes. Retrieved from Why is IP Important? | Global Intellectual Property Center. (n.d.). Retrieved 28 August 2015, from World Economic Forum. (2013, October). Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Creative Economy. Retrieved 28 August 2015, from Worstall, T. (n.d.). The Entire Concept Of Intellectual Property Is Proof That Free Markets Arent Perfect. Forbes. Forbes. Retrieved from
Monday, December 2, 2019
Synthesis Paper The Geology Of Martian free essay sample
Rocks Essay, Research Paper On July 4, 1997 the Mars Pathfinder eventually came to rest after 90 proceedingss of resiling about on the Martian surface. The intent of the mission was to research the Martian surface, collect and analyze the chemical make-up of Martian stones, and prove the new engineering and package put into this mission. Scientists back on Earth hoped to progress their cognition of the Martian surface and from that informations, reconstruct past surface characteristics. Using this of import informations, scientists can find the home ground of Mars. Besides, engineers hoped to progress their cognition on new package and electronics to be used for future infinite geographic expedition. All the clip and attempt put into this mission has paid off because the mission was a success. The Pathfinder successfully carried out all of its responsibilities. It collected assorted stones, analyzed the geological construction of the stone, recorded the informations and that information was sent to the scientis ts back on Earth. We will write a custom essay sample on Synthesis Paper The Geology Of Martian or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many new facts were uncovered about the Martian surface ; such as H2O laid in multitudes all over the surface, vents were present and other important characteristics. Analyzing the geological traits of the Martian stones, patterned advance of engineering is indicated, the past geological characteristics of Red planets can be postulated by scientists, and how this new technology/geological cognition can foster the hereafter of world. Presented in Mechanical Engineering entitled Roving over Mars, by Donald Bickler, is the Mars mission from the technological position. Much clip and attempt was put into developing this advanced engineering. The Pathfinder was equipped with the latest engineering so that it will carry through its intent. The applied scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL ) took into history all the physical characteristics of Mars so that the Pathfinder does non meet any jobs. Problems that the squad perceived were the surface s characteristics and temperature ( Bickler ) . The squad equipped the Pathfinder with a six-wheeled base, spider legged type. With a base of 79 millimetres combined with the wheels, that enabled the Pathfinder to research the Martian surface with easiness. The squad besides took into history the below stop deading temperature of Mars, so they implemented the Pathfinder with a hi-tech aerogel-insulated, fiber reinforced-plastic composite organic structure heated by t hree radioisotope-heating units. This prevented the Pathfinder s constituents from stop deading when the temperature dropped down to negative 73 grades Celsius, even though this new device was designed to take temperatures up to negative one-hundred grades Celsius ( Kasting, Squyres ) . Most constituents required separate heating units to guarantee entire protection in the instance of a catastrophe. Significant other devices included the Imager for Mars Pathfinder Camera ( IMP ) , the oculus of the Pathfinder and the oculus for scientists into Mars past and present. The Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer ( APXS ) was used in analysing the Martian stone samples ( Bell ) . With the new engineering put into consequence, the Pathfinder was able to transport out all of its undertakings which were to examine the Martian surface, collect and analyze stone samples. The devices aboard the Pathfinder enabled scientists to analyse, enter the informations and direct the information back to Earth, without scientist physically being on Mars. This is the biggest achievement to day of the month for world. This new engineering will be helpful for future missions non merely to Mars, but besides to other planets waiting to be studied and possibly even discovered. None the less, the geological position of the Mars mission was perceived in: Red planets Pathfinder ( Space Probe ) , written by Jim Bell, and the article Possible Glimpse of Earth-like Geology in Mars. Richard A. Kerr. One trouble encountered in construing the Pathfinder s informations was that the stones were coated with all right ruddy dust. Volcanic stones are powdered or glassy, sedimentary stones tend to be layered, and stones formed by an impact are normally breccias, composed of angular fragments. Rock form is sometimes related to texture, because the manner a stone interruption into smaller pieces normally reflects its internal characteristics ( Kerr ) . Most of the stones collected and analyzed by the Pathfinder were unbroken, which told scientist that they were molded and shaped by predominating air currents and eroding. Presence of cysts indicated some of the stones were volcanic. Abrasions on the samples concluded to scientists that there was, or still is, wind nowadays on Mars ( Bell ) . One group of stones, that excited the Pathfinder scientists shortly after set downing, had a bright pink colour and tabular form to it. These stones raised hopes of placing sedimentary stones. A unsmooth chronology for stones at the landing site has been proposed based on the ascertained spectral characteristics. The oldest stones at the site were the big, rounded bowlders with maroon coatings, deposited by inundations and likely stained by reactions with liquid H2O ( Bell ) . Scientist have a steadfast belief, approximately two billion old ages ago, based on the denseness of crater samples, the set downing site of the Pathfi nder was level a country in the center of a field due to a monolithic inundation. This fact can be concluded from the Image for Mars Pathfinder camera ( IMP ) . Shots of the landing site included tonss and hemorrhoids of pebbles, appeared as if rushing H2O had acted upon, doing them to stack up. Other stones consisted of volcanic stone fragments that have been eroded and deposited by air current, H2O or impacts, but without much chemical alteration. Another major geological determination was that air current had been an highly dominant procedure on the portion of Mars that the Pathfinder had landed. Dunes, ripplings, fosses, air current tail, and flutes suggest that air current eroding had been the lone major agent of alteration at the set downing site. The first stone sample found, named Barnacle Bill composed of silicon oxide, rose scientists to their pess. Silica thought merely to be found merely on Earth rose the inquiry, is at that place life on Mars? Using the Alpha proton X-Ra y spectrometer, the Pathfinder analyzed Barnacle Bill and discovered silicon oxide nowadays which besides have scientist thought that there may hold been tectonic home bases, as we have on Earth, in the yesteryear of Mars ( Kasting, Squyre ) . From the new informations, there is without a uncertainty that the Mars mission was a entire success. Scientists non merely discovered that Mars had and still has Earth like geology, but besides life possibly on Mars. From this information, scientist reconstructed the past geological characteristics of Mars, and concluded the similarity to that of Earth s and besides the habitableness. Using the new engineering on the Martian surface enabled scientists to analyze the geology of Martian stones. From the new informations they constructed the past geological characteristics of Mars will assist Earth as a whole, in future infinite geographic expedition and possibly one twenty-four hours assist protract the life span of the human race. Touching on the last topic, seting all this technological and geological information together, applied scientists and scientists can work together in doing new and more advanced ways of infinite geographic expedition ; this may one twenty-four hours salvage the human race. Knowing the yesteryear of our adjacent planets is utile merely to us, Earth. Using this new cognition of Mars, possibly astronauts one-day can put pes on Mars or even live on Mars equipped with the right tools and devices. First larning how to acquire at that place, what new devices to utilize, and so seting them into consequence to analyze the land, helps us cognize what and how to accommodate to the land in order to last. Earth is a planet merely like the remainder of the planets out infinite. There are one million millions of undiscovered galaxies and planets. Us worlds do non cognize for a fact that we are the lone life in infinite. We have no manner of cognizing unless we go out and research what has been give n to us. With new cognition we can step to the following degree. Earth being merely a planet can detonate or the Sun can decease out tomorrow without warning and so what we would make? Where would we populate? How would we last without the Sun? These are inquiries that can get down being answered by utilizing this new engineering along with new information of Mars. In decision, reviewing all the information provided in the articles ; analyzing the geological traits of Martian stones, technological patterned advance is displayed through the use of the latest package and hardware. This new engineering can be used for future infinite and planet geographic expedition. Besides the applied scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory will better the hardware and package, to accommodate to the infinite environment. Scientists concluded that past geological characteristics of Mars included vents one time existed, H2O multitudes, and other major land characteristics found on Earth. Wind was a major factor in building Mars s surface to what it is now. I think that it is indispensable to larn about our adjacent planets, because one twenty-four hours when Earth is depleted of its natural resources, we might necessitate to immigrate to another planet. We need to get down with basic perusal of the geology of a planet and so farther explore if the ability to popul ate on the planet is possible or non. Using this new technology/geological cognition can foster the hereafter of world. Using distinguishable new informations, scientists can reason how habitable the land of Mars and other planet surfaces are. Scientists have already concluded that Earth one twenty-four hours will be no more, because the Sun is said to decease within the following billion old ages. That might sound a long clip off and it may non associate to us because we will non be here by so, but future coevalss will be. They besides deserve to populate, reproduce, and bask life to its fullest. Plants Cited Bell, Jim. MARS Pathfinder ( Space Probe ) . Sky A ; Telescope96 ( 1998 ) : 36-44. Technological Discovery: The Mars Pathfinder. Mars Pathfinder Science Aims. Online. 1997. Bickler, Donald. Rolling over Mars. Mechenical Engineer85 ( 1998 ) : N/A. 1997 Kerr, Richard A. Possible Glance of Earthlike geology in Mars stone Science227 ( 1998 ) : 638-40. 1997. Squyres, Steven, Kasting, J. Early Red planets: How warm and how wet? Science265 ( 1998 ) : 744-50. 1998.
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