Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Change Implementation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Change Implementation Plan - Essay Example Destinations To consider the proposition of the new move being upheld by the administration, To comprehend the worries and interests of the partners in actualizing the new arrangement, Identify and arrange possible limitations and worries in execution of the arrangement and To help fabricate compelling techniques for food of the move plan while conveying routinely to the administration, of the exchange procedure and results. Objectives, concerns and interests Goals-every one of the three gatherings speaking to staff who see the change decidedly, staff who see the change contrarily and the director who speaks to the administration of the unit need to concur emphatically on the results and helpfulness of the new move plan as collaboration supposedly increases nature of care gave by medical attendants bringing about improved patient fulfillment (Kalisch et al, 2007). Concerns-the report of the preliminary usage uncover that the choice to actualize the new moves is totally the management ’s choice with no staff association or commitment to the arrangement. Additionally, the worker's guild has not been counseled on the helpfulness and execution of the arrangement. There are two affinities inside the staff, the individuals who see the change emphatically and the individuals who see the change adversely. ... There is a need to assess the arrangement procedure from the perspective of these delegates as well. Decision of refereeing style (overwhelming, obliging, abstaining from, bargaining, and coordinating) is likewise significant as it fluctuates from individual to singular (Mary, 2012). Interests-while the administration might be resolved to cost cutting and improving proficiency in actualizing the new arrangement, a segment of the workers and might be their delegates also might be worried that the dynamic didn't include all partners of the unit. As Barrett (2012) has worried on a qualities driven corporate culture for associations to be effective and this applies to the clinical unit as qualities that the administration holds for the unit should be conveyed to the workers while it endeavors to progressively adjust its inclinations and qualities in agreement to the interests of the considerable number of partners of the unit. Potential requirements Posner (2012) noticed that data stream s in an association when singular representatives are engaged as the position and intensity of people aggregately can cultivate a superior situation where realities, truth, bits of knowledge, information and conceivable outcomes advance. This is the corporate culture that Barrett (2012) talks about while alluding to vision-guided representative satisfaction. As the unit in the current circumstances appropriate comes up short on an emphasis on building a quality domain contemplating the commitment of individual representatives to the unit’s vision, there is a likelihood that the usage of the arrangement may influence the staff confidence thusly influencing the presentation at the appropriate time. Techniques for arrangement and method of reasoning An incorporating way to deal with peace promotion by the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Samuel Huntingtons The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of Worl
Unique Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order characterizes eight significant human advancements based on religion. This division of worldwide forces can be utilized to demonstrate that the Western human progress will never totally overwhelm the worldwide media. While Western idea will in general lead to an increasingly agent type of government, and thus a more libertarian or social obligation based media, the other conviction frameworks of the worldwide forces will in general lead to progressively tyrant government and media groups. This distinction makes consistent clash between the worldwide forces, along these lines crippling any one human progress from oppressing the others. Issue Paper In The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington states that the finish of the Cold War denoted the start of a realignment of worldwide forces. Huntington accepts these forces, or civic establishments, can be recognized by religion, and he partitions the post-Cold War world into eight significant civic establishments: Sinic/Confucian; Japanese; Hindu; Islamic; Orthodox; Western; Latin American; and potentially African (45-47). This division of intensity among religion is the reason for the contention against complete Anglo-strength of a worldwide media. The huge contrasts among the different civic establishments' treatment of the media will demonstrate unreasonably incredible for even the transnational enterprises to survive. To make Huntington's hypothesis one stride further, the strict contrasts among these human advancements will be at the core of the failure of the Western (Anglo-ruled) world to apply absolute control over the remainder of the worl d. Huntington is mindful so as to isolate every religion, aside from Japanese, Latin American and African, from any particul... ...ations of the Moscow Patriarchate, The Russian Orthodox Church Today. 1996. Grice, Corey. Russia, Latin America introducing fiber-optic systems. CNET February 3, 2000. Hickerson, Delvin and Trevor Kirkland, The Geography of Confucianism. May 17, 1999. Huntington, Samuel, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996. Infobeat/AP. Japan distributers constrained to mitigate portrayals. November 11, 1999. Newsday/AP. Japan Crown Prince assaults press. February 23, 2000. Sprunger, Meredith. The Urantia Book - On-line Reference Edition. 2000. The New York Times/AP. Algeria confines picture taker. April 03, 2000. The Washington Post. War reports constrained on Russian TV. October 11, 1999. Yippee/Reuters. Afghanistan craftsmanship exhibition revives, however representations restricted. February 22, 2000.
Monday, August 17, 2020
100 Years of Women in the Book World Being Kickass
100 Years of Women in the Book World Being Kickass The WNBA. An underrated basketball organization, you think. Yes. BUT ALSO the Women’s National Book Association, celebrating its 100th anniversary this month. Yes, founded in 1917 â€" in the midst of WWI and three years before women’s suffrage was nationally ratified â€" the WNBA was created in the belief “that books have power and that those involved in their creation gain strength from joining forces†and exists to “connect, educate, advocate and lead in the literary community.†In a move strikingly reminiscent of the organizations we have cropping up all over right now, the WNBA was founded in the midst of a social justice movement. The New York City suffrage parade of 1917 galvanized a group of women who wanted to be represented in their industry. They were shut out of membership in the American Booksellers Association and the Booksellers League, so those 15 women booksellers got together and created something from nothing. If you’re wondering how something like this 100-year-old organization can get started, one of the founders in a 1918 interview said: “[I]t was while everyone was planning for the big suffrage parade last year that I discovered how unorganized were the women in the book-selling profession. I wanted to march in a group with members of my profession, but I discovered that there was no such organization. This discovery set some of us to thinking and planning, and out of this planning came the Women’s National Book Association.†They then “created the national association, elected officers, and mapped out a busy year’s work.†The bimonthly meetings they had were noted down in shorthand, transcribed, and sent to every member in order to make it a truly national organization, rather than a series of siloed chapters. As an example of what women were facing, popular essayist and bibliophile Eugene Field wrote a poem in his book The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac, which begins speaking of a lack of women in “that part of paradise especially reserved for book-loversâ€: The women-folk are few up there, For t were not fair, you know, That they our heavenly bliss should share Who vex us here below! He continues with “It has never been explained to my satisfaction why women, as a class, are the enemies of books, and are particularly hostile to bibliomania.†Maybe they were just an enemy of you, Eugene Field. The WNBA has carried on its legacy through its national chapters, publication The Bookwoman, and their recent book Women in the Literary Landscape. May they go on for another hundred years.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Use Setting to Help Create Mystery in The Hound of the...
How does Doyle use setting to help create mystery in The Hound of the Baskervilles? Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on 22 May 1859. He died in 1893. His first book he published was when he was still a student. In 1885 he married Louise Hawkins. Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance in a short novel called A Study in Scarlet which was printed in 1887. He continues to write thrilling stories until he realised he wanted to be known not just for Sherlock Holmes but wanted to get involved in other projects. Readers were astonished when Doyle finally killed off the famous detective when he was shoved off a cliff in 1893 by his arch-nemis Professor Moriaty. Thousands of readers made complaints and the once well known†¦show more content†¦Sherlock inspects the letter to find each individual letter has been cut out from the Times Newspaper and stuck on the sheet As you value your life or your reason to keep away from the moor. In contrast with London the countryside, where Baskerville Hall and the Moor are set, it has mystery as well. Like the death of Sir Charles. The mystery here was that the death of Sir Charles because no-one knows the real cause of his death whether it was natural or supernatural. Conan Doyle creates mystery here by using the weather and other various methods to make the reader imagine the setting. Words like grim, gloomy, foggy and dull help to make the Moor more of a mysterious atmosphere. Baskerville Hall is an isolated place with few people that live in the same area. Conan Doyle helps to establish the Hall and the Moor as places of mystery before Watson and Sir Henry gets there because of the information that Doctor Mortimer gives them. He tells them about the death of Sir Hugo: Tore the throat out of Hugo Baskerville. He describes what happened on the night. The dangerous hound that killed Sir Hugo. A great, black beast, shaped like a hound yet larger then any hound that ever mortal eye had rested upon. Doyle makes links to the past and the present situation. He also relates to past and present: Doyle employs contrast to intensify the threatening aspect of the Moor. He contrasts it withShow MoreRelatedThe Mystery Genre of Hound of the Baskervilles Essay examples614 Words  | 3 PagesThe Mystery Genre of Hound of the Baskervilles The Hound of the Baskervilles, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, is based on a mysterious genre, it was published in 1902. In his book Arthur Conan Doyle has created imagery for his readers to gain a better understanding of the story. The character in his book became very popular in them days and are still known of today, such as Detective Sherlock Holmes. The way Arthurs deceptive writing and the use of languageRead MoreWatson in The Hound of the Baskervilles Essay1515 Words  | 7 PagesComment on the way Conan Doyle uses the character of Watson in The Hound of the Baskervilles. Comment on the way Conan Doyle uses the character of Watson in â€Å"The Hound of the Baskervilles.†You should comment on: - What we know of Watson’s character - The voice which Conan Doyle gives Watson to narrate the story. - Why Watson is so important to the way the story works as an example of crime fiction. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his first Sherlock Holmes novel in 1887 after becomingRead More Suspense in Sir Arthur Conan-Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles2653 Words  | 11 PagesSuspense in Sir Arthur Conan-Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles When Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle was writing The Hound of the Baskervilles it was the era of Queen Victoria. He used Victorian England for the setting because it increased tension. The Victorian times were a frightening and eerie time. There were flickering gas lamps, which lit the streets casting scary shadows, and also there was a weak police force and crime, prostitution, drug abuse and murders were common. Factories made theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesProduction: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Net Present Value Essay - 603 Words
1. Basic present value calculations Calculate the present value of the following cash flows, rounding to the nearest dollar: a. A single cash inflow of $12,000 in five years, discounted at a 12% rate of return. b. An annual receipt of $16,000 over the next 12 years, discounted at a 14% rate of return. c. A single receipt of $15,000 at the end of Year 1 followed by a single receipt of $10,000 at the end of Year 3. The company has a 10% rate of return. d. An annual receipt of $8,000 for three years followed by a single receipt of $10,000 at the end of Year 4. The company has a 16% rate of return. 2. Cash flow calculations and net present value On January 2, 20X1, Bruce Greene invested $10,000 in the stock market and purchased†¦show more content†¦The following information is available: Cost of boat $500,000 Service life 10 summer seasons Disposal value at the end of 10 seasons $100,000 Capacity per trip 300 passengers Fixed operating costs per season (including straight-line depreciation) $160,000 Variable operating costs per trip $1,000 Ticket price $5 per passenger All operating costs, except depreciation, require cash outlays. On the basis of similar operations in other parts of the country, management anticipates that each trip will be sold out and that 120,000 passengers will be carried each season. Ignore income taxes. Instructions: By using the net-present-value method, determine whether STL Entertainment should acquire the boat. Assume a 14% desired return on all investments- round calculations to the nearest dollar. 5. Equipment replacement decision Columbia Enterprises is studying the replacement of some equipment that originally cost $74,000. The equipment is expected to provide six more years of service if $8,700 of major repairs are performed in two years. Annual cash operating costs total $27,200. Columbia can sell the equipment now for $36,000; the estimated residual value in six years is $5,000. New equipment is available that will reduce annual cash operating costs to $21,000. The equipment costs $103,000, has a service life of six years, and has an estimatedShow MoreRelatedNet Present Value1157 Words  | 5 Pagesobtained and that authorised capital spending was not exceeded. Investment appraisal method; There are four methods which we can use to evaluate the investments. 1) The Payback period 2) The accounting rate of return 3) The net present value method 4) The internal rate of return method A. The Payback period; The payback period is the number of years it takes to recover its initial investment. This method assists with the project risk and liquidity. The projects with theRead MoreNet Present Value1875 Words  | 8 Pagesyear and reported the following information. The company had current assets of $153,413, net fixed assets of $ 412,331, and other assets of $83,552. The firm also has current liabilities worth $65,314, long-term debt of $178,334, and common stock of $162,000. How much retained earnings does the firm have? a. $ 405,648 b. $243,648 c. $167,918 d. $573,566 6.) Tre-Bien Bakeries generated net income of $233,412 this year. At year end, the company had accounts receivables of $47,199Read MoreNet Present Value1958 Words  | 8 Pagestimes attributed to the nature of a project. Capital inv appraisal of new technologies: Problems, misconceptions and research directions * Specifically, it has been alleged that the traditional appraisal methods of payback, discounted net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) undervalues the long-term benefits; that traditional financial appraisals assume a far too static view of future industrial activity, under-rating the effects and pace of technological change; that thereRead MoreNet Present Value/Present Value Index2559 Words  | 11 PagesNet Present Value/Present Value Index The management team at Savage Corporation is evaluating two alternative capital investment opportunities. The first alternative, modernizing the company’s current machinery, costs $45,000. Management estimates the modernization project will reduce annual net cash outflows by $12,500 per year for the next five years. The second alternative, purchasing a new machine, costs $56,500. The new machine is expected to have a five-year useful life and a $4,000Read MoreNet Present Value and Salvage Value1144 Words  | 5 Pages------------------------------------------------- FINC5001 Capital Market and Corporate Finance ------------------------------------------------- Workshop 5 – Capital Budgeting II 1. Basic Concepts Review a) In applying Net Present Value, what factors do we include, and what factors do we ignore? Use cash flows not accounting income Ignore * sunk costs * financing costs Include * opportunity costs * side effects * working capital * taxation * inflation Read MoreNet Present Value Essay940 Words  | 4 Pagesgrow. Although, this is true it much more valuable to know about the value and benefit of the investment. Selecting the best investment choice will ensure growth in the future and will generate value. The problem typically arises when trying to utilize capital budgeting skills in determining different tasks with the same risk. There are many ways to determine the correct return gained from investments. The (NPV) Net Present Value has proven to be the best method for organizations to use. NPV givesRead MoreNotes On The Net Present Value1462 Words  | 6 PagesQuestion C [1] The Net Present Value [NPV] is the total sum of the present values of all the expected cash flows. For a project with a normal cash flows, this would mean that the NPV is the present value of expected cash flows minus the initial cost of the project. The formula is as such; NPV = -CF0 + CF1 (1+k)-1 + CF2 (1+k)-2 + †¦ + CFn (1+k)-n where; CF0 is the initial investment outlay, or cash outflow CFt is the after-taxed cash inflows at time t k is the required rate of return for the projectRead MoreNet Present Value ( Npv )1530 Words  | 7 PagesNet present value (NPV) is a discounted cash flow technique used to determine the overall value of a project or a succession of cash flows (Blocher et al, 2008). See Appendix 1 for a simplified calculation. Belli (2001) argues that NPV is more suitably applied to mutually exclusive projects; these types of projects are those that if accepted, prevent other contending projects to be approved (Mowen et al, 2009). NPV is understood to be an absolute measure, therefore when selecting between mutuallyRead MoreNet Present Value and Project3264 Words  | 14 Pagesbe 13.487% and a Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) to be at a value of 9.70%. Factoring in the WACC into our projections we found that if the demand maintains at an average rate the project will be at a positive Net Present Value of $5,997,505.31 with an IRR of 13.21%, a profitability index of 8.84, and an approx imate payback period of 6.84 years. Please see Exhibits below for a snapshot of the capital budget and NPV values. This information seemed to be very promising for the project inRead MoreNet Present Value and Question5593 Words  | 23 Pagesof capital. C) If you are unsure of your cost of capital estimate, it is important to determine how sensitive your analysis is to errors in this estimate. D) If the cost of capital estimate is more than the internal rate of return (IRR), the net present value (NPV) will be positive. Question 2 If it is feasible to undertake a project irrespective of the decision concerning the acceptance of another, the two projects are said to be: A) independent. B) dependent. C) mutually exclusive. D) none of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Intro of Physical Journeys Free Essays
Texts may show us that the world of physical journeys involves unexpected detours. To what extent do the texts you have studied support this idea? The world of physical journeys, is the movement from one place to another, where the traveller undergoes a process of change and development, where they become endowed with experiences and where there are goals that are achieved culminating in an overall transformation physically, intellectually and emotionally. Within theses changes they are caused by unexpected detours or obstacles, new challenges or hindrances. We will write a custom essay sample on Intro of Physical Journeys or any similar topic only for you Order Now The poems from the collection called â€Å"Sometimes Gladness†by Bruce Dawe portrays this like: â€Å"For The Duration†coveys this through the tedious attempts of men trying to escape jail, â€Å"Migrants†represents this through a group of immigrants finding a new land for their habitat ; trying to fit in and â€Å"Last Seen At 12:10am†depicts a worrying and traumatic mother in search for her misplaced daughter. The epic fantasy novel The Lord Of The Rings also symbolises of a group of determined protagonists on a agonising quest to find a ring. (Write a sentence and say a brief summary about each poem and how it may explore the answer. ) Bruce Dawe’s â€Å"For The Duration†conveys a physical journey of the challenges faced when they attempt to break out of jail. The use of the technique enjambment between the first and second stanza, creates a sense of suspense How to cite Intro of Physical Journeys, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Law of Attraction free essay sample
Eric Ontiveros English 60B WCA#10 19 July 2010 Law of Attraction The law of attraction is real and we experience it every day of our lives. It is having actual physical existence and can be proven scientifically. What you think about is what you attract into your life. If you are always thinking negative, guess what? You will only manifest negativity. I personally have experienced it my self without knowing that the law of attraction even existed. I have always been a positive person and will take no for an answer. For example, everyone told me I was too young to own an apartment, better yet own a new Honda accord. I kept hearing people around me that I could not afford it. I stayed positive and did not let any negativity interfere with my dream. I of course bought my car. That’s when I found out about the law of attraction. We will write a custom essay sample on Law of Attraction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I put two and two together and realized I have accomplished most of my goals, because I am optimistic and remained persevere. Have you ever thought about a friend you have not spoken to in a long time and later get a phone call by them? That’s the evidence of the law of attraction working. It has been no secret to philosophers, inventors, and heroes of our time. Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln are just a few that new how to use the law of attraction to their advantage. Learning how to turn a negative thought to a positive one can be challenging, but becomes natural when practiced frequently. WC#250
Monday, March 30, 2020
Induction Report Essay Example
Induction Report Essay INDUCTION REPORT CORPORATE HR INTRODUCING GODREJ Established in 1897, the Godrej group has grown in India from the days of the charkha to nights at the call centers. Our founder, Ardeshir Godrej, lawyer-turned-locksmith, was a persistent inventor and a strong visionary who could see the spark in the future. His inventions, manufactured by his brother Pirojsha Godrej, were the foundation of today’s Godrej empire. One of India’s most trusted brand, Godrej enjoys the patronage and trust of over 470 million Indians every single day. Our customers mean the world to us. We are happy only when we see a delighted customer smile. With 7 major companies with interests in real estate, FMCG, industrial engineering, appliances, furniture, security and agri care – to name a few – our turnover crosses 2. 6 billion dollars. You think of Godrej as such an integral part of India – like the bhangara or the kurta – that you may be surprised to know that 20% of our business is done overseas. Our presence in more than 60 countries ensures that our customers are at home with Godrej no matter where they go. With brands you can believe in, service excellence you can count on and the promise of brighter living for every customer, Godrej knows what makes India tick today. We will write a custom essay sample on Induction Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Induction Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Induction Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Today, we are at a point in Godrej’s history when our amazing past is meeting up with its spectacular future head on. Godrej is learning and relishing being young again. INDUCTION REPORT The Induction Training is a Familarisation Program designed and scheduled for Graduate and Management Trainees. The schedule included 27 sessions deployed in accordance to various fuctions pertaining in the PA Department of Godrej Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. The program commenced from 23rd August 2010 and successfully completed its last session on 16th August 2010. The Highlights of the program were : DPH Interaction. ISP Recruitment (ESP)- ERP and Campus. Recruitment Operations. Training and Competancy developement. Performance Management System. Human Resource Information System. Analytics and Concept of PMO. Compensation and benefits. Employee Engagement. Industrial Relations. Administration. Contract labour Credit Society. Prajapati Kendra. T and Recruitment Initiatives, Affirmative action Dispensary and Safety. Archives Address by Head HR. DPH INTERACTION Mr. Praveen Garkal – Division Personnel Head of P Department. Ms. Neesha Balan Division Personnel Head of P Department. The session was headed by the Division Personnel Head Mr. Praveen and Ms. Neesha , where in the Introduction of the various fuctions of P was highligthed. Personal Admin Department : Personal Admin Department helps in managing our organizations human resources. It has the functional areas of recruitment, selection, retention, developement, assesment and adjustment of personnel. The structure of our Personal Admin Department is as follows: Mr. Anil Verma Heads the PA Department. Following are the departments that fall under the PA Jurisdiction. 1) Human Resource: * Recruitment * Training Developement * Internal Selection Process * Operations * Compensation * Human Resource Information System Performance Management System * Employee Engagement * Policies 2) Industrial Relations: * Courtcases * Contract Labour * Recruitment of Workmen * Workmen Trainee * Credit Society * Security * Safety * Canteen 3) Administration * Statutary Compliances * School * Library * Housing * Consumer Society * CMRD * Pertrol Pump 4. DPH Office 5. Corporate Communication 6. E S pace 7. Archives. Internal Selection Process (ISP) ISP is a systematic procedure that involves selection of talents from within the organisation to perform the required job or task. There are 3 processes involved in ISP : Permanent Employees Temporary Employees Workers. Permanent Employees : The Division Personnel Head sends the requirement of manpower to the corporate team. The ISP team then does the posting of the vacancy on Intranet. ISP is open for 4 days for the employees to apply. After the 4th day the position is kept in backend. The 5th day is called the cool of day The candidates are then shortlisted on the basis of Essential Qualifications and Essential Experience. Incase of high number of applicants then shortlisting is done on basis of preferred qualifications and experience. On having queries and doubts, the team goes back and approches the division for clarifications. ISP team then checks and arranges for the panel. There are 2 types of panel : Divisional Panel- 3 member panel Interviewer from division. HR panel from other division. Functional expert from other division 2. 4 Member Panel- Interviewer HR personnel from from Division. From other division. 2 fuctional expertise from other division A 4 Member Panel is considered based on the following clauses: If there is only one applicant If the applicant has applied in the same division If the opportunity is for promotion /lateral movement. * NOTE : Aviod taking panel members from the division the employee has applied. The panel are T bandlers having not less than 2 years experience in T band. Scenarios in ISP : Position closes with selection. ISP closes with no selection. ISP closes with none shortlisted. ISP with no applicants. ISP closes with no selection process. (lateral transfer) Eligibility Criteria to apply in ISP: In transfer from A to O Band – The applicant has to have 2 yrs of experience in A band. If any external experience of 2 yrs outside Godrej Boyce then the applicant is required to have atleast 1yr of experience in A band. In transfer from O to P Band The applicant is required to have atleast 2yrs of experience in O Band. If any external experience of 2 yrs outside Godrej Boyce then the applicant is required to have atleast 1yr of experience in A band. In transfer from P to T Band- The applicant is required to have atleast 5 yrs of experience in P Band. In transfer from T to E E to S Band- The applicant is required to have atleast 7 yrs of experience in current band. The employee should be confirmed. The external experience is taken into consideration only fr 1st promotion. Temporary Employees : If in the permanent employee process the candidate is not selected then the opening goes for temporary employees. The position in ISP is open for 7days for Temps. The eligibility for temps is the same as in ESP i. e 60 % and above, no gap inbetween education and clearance of WE and GI Test. K Band Employees : The application for K Bandlers to Management band are manual. They undergo test such as 123 test,psychometric test . etc. The position is open for 10 days. The interview is taken in the division and no such panel is required. The candidate is debarred under the following conditions : If the employee after selection takes in charge and then quits. If he gets selected in ISP and then denies is debarred from ISP for 2 yrs. During the interview the candidate denies the application. For T above applicants after giving Competancy Assessment Test and then denies is debarred for 2 yrs. After ISP : The candidate who is selected is given 1 month to handover his work and join the new position. Every candidate selected goes to 6 months probation. Interim progress review is done werein the L, L+1 , functional head, DPH and Division head fills in. Final review is the confirmation review where the division confirms that the candidate is doing well and then becomes permanent. If the employee does not do well he can be sent back to his earlier position or asked to leave as not confirmed. To conclude, Internal Selection Process is designed to provide greater growing opportunities for the existing employees to accelerate motivation, change, skills , knowledge and their attitude. The career growth of Godrej employees are catered and looked upon with utmost importance. E. S. P (External Selection Process) External Recruitment brings new people into the organization, which can be a huge benefit. It allows the organization to define the right requirements and thus allows the company to select a potential candidate availabale in the market, which suits the organization the best. E. S. P as the name suggests begins once the ISP (Internal Selection Process) is done. E. S. P comprises of two cattergories: 1. Lateral Recuritment. 2. Campus Recruitment. 1) Lateral Recruitment: Lateral recruitment takes place when we are unable to find the right talent from within our company. They are screened based on the Job Specification, years of experience and educational background. In GNB major emphasis is laid on education as it is a parameter that helps to draw an edge from the other. The process for lateral recruitment is as under: * Source Candidates * Selection Process – G. S. T (Godrej Selection Test Interview) * Medicals * Pre – Joining Formalities. Sourcing Candidates: Candidates are sourced through various channels like: * Job Portals * Consultants – (Consultant is paid 8. 33% of the Base Salary of the candidate for Jr. Level 12. 5% to Mid Level 16. 6% is paid for Sr. Level) * E. R. P Selection Process: Selection Process at GNB comprises of mainly 2 steps: a) G. S. T (Godrej Selection Test) It has 3 rounds i. e. I) G. I. General Intelligence Test It is basic aptitude test comprising of 40 objective questions which lasts for a duration of 15 minutes II. MC – Mechanical Comprihension Test It is based on the basic fundamentals of Mechanical engineering comprising of 60 objective questions which lasts for a duration of 40 minutes. II. Writtern English Test. The applicant requires to coose any 1 topic of 14 options provided to write an essay of 250 words. ) Once the candidate clears all the written test he is taken through the interview process with the respective panel. Medicals: Once the candidate is selected he requires to undergo the Medical process. Pre – Joining Formalities. The candidate needs to provide all the necessary documents like Pan Card, Appointment Letter, relieving letter, educational certificates, etc. for verificationas mentioned in the annexure. Campus: It is in the month of that the S. B. Us provide the recruitment team with the Manpower requirement for that particular year. Mainly the planning is done based on the attrition in O and P Band. The panel for campus recuritment consists of employee’s over and above the E (Executive Band) if they arent availabale then employee’s from T (Tactical Band) may be considered. Trainees are cattegorised as: * DETs (Diploma Engineering Trainees) join the A and O Band. * GETs (Graduate Engineering Trainees) join the O2 Band. * MTs (Management Trainees) join the P Band. * Gts * MTs Every trainee has to sign a bond of atleast1year after a years traineeship. Recruitment Operations: Every communication that takes place between the company and employee’s is escalated through the Recruitment Operations Team. The recruitment operations team takes care of all the following activities: * Joining Formalities * Preparing Offer Letter * Preparing Appointment Letter * Employee Reference Check * Preparing Confirmation Letters * Sending Disciplinary Letters * Preparing Reappointment Letters * Proving Ex Employee Feedback * Praparing Trainee Termination Letter * Preparing Severance Letter * Preparing Severance Letter * Preparing Resignation Relieving Letter. * Preparing Bond * Providing certificates for Summer / Project / Industrial Trainees To summarise the Recruitment Operations team is best compared to the Gate Keeper. It takes charge of all the entry and exist formalities of the employee. Performance Management System Performance and leadership culture is the bedrock of building organisations competitiveness and thereby enabling talent to contribute effectively with performance and potential. Performance Management process is instrumental for high performance work culture where the performance is recognized and rewarded. PM Process aligns organizational goals and objectives with individual ones. Performance Management System is a system which helps to access and measure the performance of the employee. It is beneficial to both the employee and the company as it provides valuable feedbck for improvement. Benefit for Godrej Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd : PMS is done to cascade the goals of the organisation at every level: Strategic Business Plan Annual Business Plan Goals of Business Head Goals of Division Head ( Executive Band) Department Heads Individual employees. PMS helps to provide feedback to the company wrt the performance of the employees. According to thr feedback valuable inputs are givento the employee for improvement. Benefit for the employee : The employee is rated fairly as PMS sets standards for evaluation. The employee understands and evaluates as to where he stands. PMS gives accountability , ownership and empowerment to the employees. The areas where performance are evaluated are : Professional performance Personal development The PM Process involves 5 steps: Mission Professional Performance Personal Development Learning and competancy development Annual Plan Submission. PM Process : Annual Planning is done every financial year i. e from April to March. The goals of the organisation are determined and cascaded to line with the individual goals of the employees. At the end of the year, the rating is given and planning of next year is also dont. Note: * Nov- Dec ( SBP discussion takes place) * Jan- Feb (ABP discussion is done) The review of the performance is done quaterly. Therefore after 3 months the feedback is given. Q1Q2Q3Q4 3mthlyâ€â€6mthlyâ€â€9mthlyAnnual In the system through joint login of L and L+1 , the review is agreed and freezed. The ratings ofthe performance are given in the following scale : SE (surpass expectation) 110 % of goal ME (met expectation) 90-110 % of goal CB (could be better) 60-90% of goal BE (below expectation) 60 % of goal The reason for 4 point raring scale is because of central tendancy to evaluate objectively. The goal has to be SMART Effects of CB and BE : Performace pay is not entitled to employees rated BE. If the employee is rated as BE, then he/she cannot apply in ISP for a year. 2 ME are required for the employee to grow within the the band (GWTB). To conclude, Performance Mangement is thus extremely quintessential and instrumental in building the organisation growth. Performance management in Godrej Boyce has been potent and a very important tool for the company to reach at todays stature. Learning and Competancy Development Training = Imparting specific skills Development= Providing learning oppurtunities for employees growth. Training process involves, Need assessment which involves understanding present employees and future challenges. Training and instructional objectives. Planning the training. Training and Development process involves the following steps : Identification of Training Needs in PDM Transfer of training needs from PMS to TNS (Training Need System) Learning and Development Oppurtunities Conducting Training Programme Effectiveness of Training Programme Step 1 : Training Needs Indentification : Training needs are identified by the L and approved by L+1. The batch is created by Corporate HR. The following are the steps involved; Select the training programme by using any of these option: a)Using search option by typing keywords OR b)Select the functional area Training Course using drop down box OR c)Select other option enter the nameof training programme required. Enter the proposed date of completion of training programme (dd/mm/yy) format. Approval of the training needs identified by L is done by L+1 through joint login. Needs can be approved or disapproved ; the reason has to be mentioned. Step 2 : The approved training needs are then transfered from Performance Management System to the Training Needs System by Corporate HR and the Division Personnel Head. Step 3 : Learning and Development Oppurtunities : Executive Education Programs Knowledge Enhancement Policy Open House/ External Programs E-Learning. Step 4 : Conducting Training Program: Training Calender is prepared in accordance to the 4 zones – Mumbai (West zone), Kolkata(East Zone), Chennai(South zone) and Delhi(West zone) Marking attendance and filling of feedback form. Step 5: Effectiveness of Training program. : The effectiveness of the training program is to be done after 3-4 months. Monthly reminders are given to L,L+1 about training programmes for filling need forms, feedback forms. etc. Competancy Development Godrej has identified 11 leaderhip skills (competancies). Analytical Ability Innovation Team Building Assertiveness Result Orientation Process Orientation Thinking Big Business Environement Perspective Oral Communication Written Communication In Thomas International , these competancie are assessed for above T Bandlers. Then the Learning and Development team meets Thomas International to obtain the feedback as it serves as a facilitating tool for effectiive decision making. The candidate then undergoes an interview with the the Godrej Boyce panel. The feedback is given to the candidate for him to work on certain areas and therefore competancy development becomes a part of learning development. The report is valid for a year. If the candidate has not cleared the CA test and he feels that his leadership competancies have increased then he has to fill Individual Development Plan approved by Division and P head. Thomas International : CA CenterDevelopment CenterTo access competancy for potential employees applying for senior positions. An employee is sent to development center only if he/she is critical and important to the company. There are no test and interview conducted here. Therefore to conclude, Training and Development has helped Godrej Boyce Mfg. Co in bringing out leadership skills, improves motivation, better atttitude and other aspects of successful managers and workers thereby improving the productivity and fulfilling the goals of the organisation. Analytics Analytics involves generating HR Reports for top management in accordance to the subject matter. The reports prepared in Analytics are : Head count MIS Attrition Productivity ERF The employees of Godrej Boyce are identified into categories and status which aredeployed as follows : CategoryStatusMTPR, PTUSCT,GT,TM,SchoolWKPR,PT,CT,GT,TM Categories: MT- Management WK-Workers US- Unionised staff ( School employees,Trainees,Summer Interns,Temps) Status : PR- Probationers PT- Permanent CT GT- Company trainee Government Trainee TM- Temporary Grades are allotted to indentify the stipends provided to various categories. The MIS code identified by BC RC CC BC ( Business Code) Business RC ( Responsibilty Code) Location CC ( Cost Center Code ) Function The location of the employees are identified in the following types: Physical Location eg : Pune,Vikhroli Location eg: Plant 11, 12 System Indication for Head Office or Branch. The important dates associated with the employee are : Date of Birth Date of Entry Date of Joining Date of Severence Severence can be following reasons: Resignation (RES) Retired (RET) Expired (EXP) Absonding(ABS) Termination(STE) ILL Prematured retirement(PMRT) VRS (Only for workers) Attrition Report : The attrition calculation only 3 cases are taken into consideration: Abscond. Resigned. Inter company transfer. Method to calculate attrition : No. of people left / Strength of last month in a period * 100 MIS report contains : Recruitment ( Within Band and Function) Promotions (Within Band and Function) Severances (Band wise) Severences chart ( Function wise, division wise,age group wise) The categories are : Band, Lenght of service, Experience wise, Age group, Location wise, Function wise To conclude, Analytics helps to generate required HR reports to accelerate decision making process and provide a concise information which are specific and numerical to enable future lucrative decisions for the business. Compensation Compensation is the total reward received by an employee in exchange for services performed for an organization. It can include both direct pay (salary and wages) and indirect pay (benefits programs). Factors affecting design of Compensation : Market Cost Structures Payment in terms of Fixed,Variable and Benefits The nature of job that demands the % of Fixed and Variable pay. Eg. Sales would demand high variable pay as its target oriented. Salary comprises of 2 components: Fixed Variable Salary = Fixed + Variable Individual Business Performance Performance SIS (Sales/Service EVA Incentive Scheme) PP (Performance Pay) SIS – Sales/Service Incentive Scheme is Business Specific especially assigned to the Sales and Service profiles. PP- Performance Pay are assigned to other profiles other than sales or Service. It amounts to 0 to 30% of Base Pay. Allottment of PP : SE – 20-30% of Base Pay ME 10-15% of Base Pay CB 3-5% of Base Pay ( The division decides the % of Base pay that has to be paid as PP to the entire division) Base Pay = Annual CTC – HRA3 – Compensatory allowance Annual CTC = Basic + HRA+ Education +Medical+Conveyance + Telephone + Hospitalization + LTA + PF + Gratuity + Super Annuation HRA = House Rent Allowance HRA 1- Band Specific HRA 2- Individual Specific HRA 3- Location Band Specific Tax Deduction under HRA : 10% of Basic Salary if in Metro 7. 5% of Basic Salary if in Non Metro. Tax is deducted from the minimum of the 3 amounts : Basic HRA Rent employee pays Exemptions from Tax : Tax is exempted from Conveyance upto Rs 800 per month. Telephone reimbursement is exempted from tax on submission of Bill. Under Leave Travel Allowance (LTA), the employee can travel twice in 1 year within India. The current slab is between Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 14,000. The amount is tax exempted. Super Annuation amount uptill Rs 1 lakh is tax exempted. It is paid to T band and above and amounts to 5-15% of Basic Pay. Provident Fund is 12% of Basic Pay and the returs are non taxable. EVA : Economic Value Added. EVA happens after PP (Performance Pay) is over. EVA is the improvement in the performance of the business. Even if loss there is improvement in loss then too EVA is paid. Calculation of EVA ; EVA = 4% of current year performance – improvement in performance in years. Distribution of EVA. Team Awarded with 50 % 25 % of EVA are given to corporate department. Discretionary EVA ( Paid to 25% of employees who are doing exceptionally good) Discretionary EVA is paid or exercised by manufacturing division i. e all divisions except E and Construction as they are allied business and would come under Corporate. MRP ( Management Remuneration Package ) : In MRP , decision with respect to salary from entry level, stipends, compensation philosophies, benchmarking . etc. Are taken. Then certain level are decided , budget is considered and the % is given to the employees. Criteria for deciding MRP of employees : Current CTC Consistent Performance Criticality of Position Talent Specialized Knowledge and skills Attitude Values After the Employee undergoes his PDM, he is entitled to PP and then EVA. Incase the division decides to increase the employees remuneration then that package is decided at MRP levels. To conclude, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd has an ideal compensation system which accelerates the employees efficiency , productivity,motivation and monetary statisfaction thereby leading to the growth of the company positively. POLICIES Policy is a statement of Intent. The Type of policies exercised with Godrej Boyce are as follows : Growth opportunities : GWTB (Growth within the Band) , lateral movements (Job Rotations), Band Movements. GWTB is based on the performance . The employee is required to have been rated ME and SE in a tenure. 2. ISP( if vacancy arises) Hospitalization Policy Leave Policy: Leave Policy is formulated to entitle a certain number Casual , Sick and Priviledges leaves to the employees. Mobile Policy: Mobile Policy has been formulated to enable our employees communicate efficiently and effectively within and outside the organisation. 2- wheeler Policy : 2 wheeler allowance consists of conveyance priviledges provided to employees under circumstances when required. HRA3 policy : HRA 3 is a component in the compensation structure . The HRA 3 component is band and location specific allowance. Tour Travel Policy : Tour and Travel Policy consists of clauses related to travel and transit in and outside the country. Domestic and Foreign Business) Flexi time Concessions policy : To provide employees wherever possible the opportunity to have flexibility in work timings so that they can maximize their work place potential by balancing their potential by balancing their potential by balancing their personal and professional lives more effectively without comprimsing o n the business needs and aspirations. Safety Incentive Policy : This policy is to build and reinforce safety amongst all employees so that they can fullfill their safety role and responsibilities as enunciated in our safety policy. To conclude, Policies formulated by Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd are well discussed and created to cater the needs of the company and the employees. These policies have been able to help the company operate with greater consistency, both in its internal and external workings. HRIS HRIS ( Human Resource Information System ) is a part of MIS which is a systematic procedure for obtaining ,recording and retrieving data about HR. After realising the increasing quantam of work and to increase the efficiency, Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd adopted HRIS in 2003. HRIS is essential as it is instrumental in increasing the efficiency in the following areas of HR functions : HRP (Human Resource Planning) which includes turnover rate,absentism, workflow. etc. Recruitment and Staffing. HR Developement ( Training and Succession Planning) Compensation and benefits information. Health and Safety * Employee and Union relations. HOUSING Godrej started providing housing facilities to employees in 1950s while they were shifting from Lal Bagh to Vikhroli establishment. Housing is a special benefit provided to the employees so that they can stay in nearby vicinity to the work place. Housing is not a service condition. This facility is given on agreement basis. It is a charter with clauses. 3 major areas where housing is provided Transit Quaters Family accomodation Shared accomodation Transit Quarters : Transit quarters are for employees visiting Mumbai for work. The request is sent through speedflow to the housing department by Commercial,Regional or Branch Manager. The charges are notional. Shared Accomodation : Shared Accomodation are for employees who have recently joined the company. They are GETs, Mts . etc. Also further to employees after training. It is band specific. P Band – 2 BHK for 6 persons. It then narrows to 3 persons after 1 yr. O Band- 1 BHK on twin sharing basis at station side. Family Accomodation : Family Accomodation is family and Band specific. Workmen / hrly based employees : Creek Station Side Colony O Band : Station Side P Band above : Hill Side Circumstances causing the employees to vacate the houses : Resignation : 7 days breathing or notice period is given to the employees. Retirement : 30 days breathing or notice period is given to the employees. Death of employee : 90 days breathing or notice period is given to the employees. If the employee still stays after the notice period in the house then he/she is required to pay certain default charges. Even after 90 days the employee doesnt vacate , then according to Companies Act the employee hasto pay 10 times the charges and legal formalities. Waiting list : The waiting list are maintained according to the Band. Waiting list is kept according to the number of years of service and relevant external experience then the listis generated. The allottment is made on descending order. The power is given to the Executive Director of PA in case of special cases. Housing facility is purely a welfare activity extended by the Company for the convenience of its employees , solely during the period the employees concerned are in the service of the company and on such terma and conditions as may be decided by the Company from time to time. GODREJ BOYCE EMPLOYEES COOPERATIVE CREDIT SOCIETY The Godrej Employees’ Cooperative Credit Society was incorporated in the year 1960. It was the idea of Late Shri N. P Godrej to enable its employee members to get loans at competitive rates of interest as well as help members to save money. All employees at Godrej Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd , Godrej Employees’ Cooperative Credit and Consumer Societies, Godrej Infotech Ltd located at Mumbai only are eligible to become members of the Society. The minimum subscription is Rs. 300/- per month which is deducted from the wages/salary. The first Rs5000/- are credited to the share account and the next amounts credited to the cumulative deposit account. A member is supposed to contribute upto Rs. 53,000/- after which he has the option to either continue or stop the subscription. The share value of each Share is Rs. 00/- Dividend is paid on the share capital and interest is paid on the deposits. The last dividend declared was @ 10% on the share capital and [emailprotected] 8. 00% on the deposits as on 31. 03. 2009. The dividend and the Interest so declared after the AGM are paid through the Wages/Salary to the members. The society gives 3 types of loans viz Short Loans Long loans Bank loans. The working of Society : Objectives : To enable members to save through Credit Society. To enable members to get through to get financial help at competitive rate of interest. Our Bankers: Central Bank of India Mumbai Dist Central Co-op Bank Ltd Saraswat Co-op Bank The society grants medical assistance to its members in case of hospitalizations only for members (and not his family) which is @ 100% of the expenses incurred over and above the limit of mediclaim insurance coverage, once in a life time, on submission of medical Bills from the hospital. If a member is unable to attend his services with the Company due to an accident or ill health or expires during the course of service, then the members deposits are adjusted against the members outstanding Loan and any amount receivable after such adjustments are waived off from the Welfare Fund of the Society. In case a member expires during the course of service, the Society pays the family of the deceased member Rs. 5000/- for the funeral as immediate help. The Society also felicitates its members on retirement from the Company provided he/she has been a member of the Society for a continuous period of 15 years at the time of retirement. The society has a gesture of goodwill also felicitates children of the members who have passes the SSC, HSC and graduation Examination depending upon the percentage of marks fixed by the Managing committee of the Society. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Industrial Relations is a work relationship between management and employees based on mutual trust and respect for each other wherein both strive for common goal as well as that of society and environment. IR includes process such as collective bargaining , grievanc handling,wage settlement and conflict between employers, employee and trade union. The 1st Trade Union was established in 1975. Our History : Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd is a 113 year old company rich in culture. Redeployment and no retrenchement is our strategy. Our Union : G Shramik Sangh popularly knownas GBSS (Recognized Union under MRTU PULP Act 1971) It was formed in 1978. Itis an internal union for last 25 years, having majority of 98 % of workmen as its members. It has no affiliation to any political body. Service Conditions; Service Conditions are governed by Statues / Case laws, Letter of appointment,Certified Standing orders of the Company, lonf term wage settlement, Companys Internal cir culars/Notices / Policies. Service Conditions are: Observe general rules of conduct anywhere in India. Undertake tours when required. Work n shifts No dual employment. Give normal production prevailing in Department. Not to reveal companies information to outsiders. To work overtime or on holidays whenever required. Register attendance by swiping 4 times a day. No proxy swiping. Avail leave prior sanction. Liable to be searched by Security Personnel. Give productive 480/350 mins. Wear and carry identity card. To be able to do multi machine operation simultaneously. To write daily work done in job card/worksheet/logbook. To undergo training. Observe safety regulations. Maintain neat and clean housekeeping at work place. ( Breach of any of these service conditions amounts to act of misconduct) The objectives of Factories Act, 1948 : To secure the workers employed in factories Health Safety Welfare Proper working hours Leave and other benefits. Employment Injury : It is a personal injury to an employee caused by accident or an occupational disease arising out of andin course ofhis employment. IR Disciplinary Action : In IR disciplinary action there are no perfect answer or straight jacket solutions to problems and conflicts. Record building and keeping of every individual disciplinary action taken is very vital to know past record of action. Industrial Employment ( Standing Orders ) Acr,1946: An act to provide for rules defining service conditions. The text of certified standing order should be prominently displaced by employers to workmen in English and in common language. Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd has certified standing order forall hourlyand daily rated workmen. This standing order was ceritfied on August 1, 1955. All disciplinary action letters like warnings, charge sheets ,suspensions, dismissal . etc. Signed by Manage under certified standing order. Punitive and Non- Puntive actions against workmen : PunitiveNon- Punitive1. Warning1. No work no pay2. Suspensions2. Counselling3. Dismissal3. Suspension pending inquiry. The broad branding grades of workers are as follows : Existing New B Semi Skilled Category C D Skilled Category 1 E F Skilled Category 2 Security Inspectors Skilled Category 1 Senior Guards Senior Security Inspectors - Skilled Category 2 Incentives : Incentive of Rs. 200 /- mnth to skilled and Rs. 00/- mnth to unskilled are given to workers under following categories : Performance Incentives Punctual Attendance Incentive. Regular Attendance Incentive. Safe working conditions. ( Statutory Bonus from Minimum 8. 33% to 20 % of Gross wages are provided to the employees. ) Industrial Relations are extremely important because we are in constant touch with the workmen on shop floor. Its a vicarious liability . To avoid litigation and wastage of time, money and energy in court. Industrail Relations is important to create healthy work environment and thereby generating a good Corporate Image. PRAGATI KENDRA Pragati Kendra, the welfare centre of Godrej Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. ; was established on 15th August 1955. It is the singular salute to an institution that believes in being humane first. Pragati Kendra grew out of a corporate emotion that believes in the welfare of its employees and the families. It is a team of 3 main members. The sole objective of Pragati Kendra is upgradation of life of the employees. Godrej Company is the first company who had adopted family planning policy. Pragati Kendra conducts 2 activties every month related to awareness eg. Health issues, family budgeting, cancer . etc. The following are the stratas in which Godrej is trying to build a whole new culture : Personal Welfare : Pragati Kendra conducts Literacy classes for employees and their families to educate themselves. Pragati Kendra helps people to tackle problems whether besetting children , adults or the entire family. Active Counselling takes place whereby all kinds of problems are ironed out by a specialised team through various therapies. The Kendra also has a Child Guidance Clinic for children and adolescents to guide them through their issues with the help of counselling and play therapy. Family Planning : The spot light on Family Planning is given full priority and methods needed for family planning , guidance and encouragement are the order of the day at the Godrej Welfare Centre. Womens development: Pragati Kendra conducts activities in womens development. Women are encouraged to become financially independent through vocational courses , play an active part in various programmes on soci al issues, on the environment etc. and in short are led towards being self sufficient. The International Womens Day on 8th March is an important event in the work done by Godrej in womens development. Childrens development : Childrens activities like trekking, puppet making, drama , gardening and scouting are explained with total encouragement given to work up their extra-curricular enthusiasm . Martial Art classes, Dance classes etc. are conducted with a view to give children training in health related and social skills. Darpan : The Pragati Kendra newsletter Darpan forms the part of the development by reaching out to them through various articles and is published each month both in English and Hindi. With a variety of columns covering articles on parenting , marital problems, the important days observed on various social issues such as No Tobacco Day , World Population Day Greener Godrej : Pragati Kendra aims to enlighten people on the wonders of the Environment path whereby knowledge of greening this oxygen starved plants are given through various programmes such as The World Environment Day , The Vanmohatsav etc. Health Care : The Upchargriha and Pragati Kendra work hand in hand towards curative as well as preventive aspects of health. To conclude , The basis of all Godrej activities lies embodied in its undying spirit which speaks Godrej Cares in more ways than one. CORPORATE SAFETY At Godrej, we believe that sustained competitive advantage can be attained only by providing greater customer value in the form of differentiated products and services delivered through flawess ,continually refined business processes. To enable people to perform accordingly it is essential for us to create and provide safe , supportive and productive work environement to all our employees and business associates. Safety means; Providing and Maintaining safe working environment. Prevention of accident and property damage. Prevention of occupational diseases. Safety accelerates productivity. Need fo safety are for the following reasons : Humanitarian Economic ( Cost to company) Legal (Statutory requirement) Occupier role Responsibilities of responsibilities line function. Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd has formulated a safety policy called as Occupational Health and Safety Policy which includes the Organisation Structure of compliance of OHS Policy, duties and responsibilities of Division , Corporate Department and Employees. OHS Policy was released on 8th November 2007. Accident : An Accident is an unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm. The 4 types of accidents are : Reportable ( Injured person disabled to work for more than 48 hrs) Non-Reportable(Injured person resumes work within 48 hrs) Property damage( No human is hurt but property is damaged) Near Miss( When no one is injured though the accident had the potential ) Unsafe personal factors : Lack of Knowledge Improper attitude Improper application of knowledge Mentalor Physical defeciances. Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd looks forward in everyones wholehearted ommitment and involvement in the successful implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety system. ARCHIVES Developing Godrej Archieves was a brain-child of late Sohrab Godrej. The main purpose to develop it was to understand and unfolding the contribution made by Godrej to the industrial history of India, as well as its role in the countrys future. It is engaged in collecting, arranging, catalogui ng and preserving archival material reflecting on the history of Godrej. Additionally, resources are being created in the form of oral history interviews for better understanding of the business and its evolution. The idea of setting up Godrej Archives was first mooted in 1995 when preparations for celebrating the centenary of Godrej began. Godrej Archives is aimed to be a heritage centre offering invaluable archival material for reference and research. The objectives of Archives is: * To collect, arrange, document, preserve, interpret and communicate the history of Godrej. * To highlight employee contribution to organisational growth. * Make these information available to firstly our employees, researchers, students, business world and others interested in history of Godrej To promote awareness about business history and archives The Godrej Archives collection currently includes documents, agreements, letters, technical drawings, press clippings, old catalogues, advertisements, testimonials from clients and customers, audio-visual recordings awards, medals and memorabilia reflecting the rich heritage of Godrej. CORPORATE TRAINING Corporate Training has mainly 2 objectives: 1. Recruitment and Management of Trade Apprentances 2. Special Assignment (Workmen Training) Recruitment and Management of Trade Apprentances: Recruitment and Management of Trade Apprentances comprises of students recruited from ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes). They are recruited in the workmen cader. ITI colleges in total offers around 80 varied skilled courses to its students. In GNB we take about apprentices pocessing 20 plus trades or skills of ITI of which the top 5 are: Fitters Welders Machinist Electrician Turners These Apprentances who are freshly picked from ITI campuses fall under the Apprentance Act that was formed in 1961. However, this act was ammended in 1973. In Godrej the recruitment for Apprentances begins from February till June first week. It is Godrej that recruits the highest number of apprentances in Maharashtra with the requirement being as high as 625 this year, with PED having the highest number of requirement (175). These candidates who are picked in from campuses work as trainees with us for a year and then after they successfully clear the NCVT (National Council Vocational Test. The Process of recruting these candidates is as: * A company has to apply for registration with DVET (Director Vocational Education and Training) department stating its requirements. * DVET then gives a quota stating how many ITIs the company can recruit. However, if the requirement exceeds the number we can avail, then we neen to jargon and show extra machines or process to them in order to acquire permission for the same. The ITI exam takes place in the 1st week of July and the selected candidates join their respective companies by October. ITI is managed by State Government. In Maharashtra there are a total of 300 ITI Colleges from which 50% students are selected from Mumbai and the rest from other cities within Maharashtra. In Godrej for an ITI to seek admission needs to have acquired a minimum of 50% and above in S. S. C and they need to clear the written test that is conducted by Godrej. The written test comprises of 30 Questions carring 30 marks where the candidate gets eligible to enter the company on securing a minimum of 15 marks. A stipened of Rs. 3,500 is paid to them. Post apprenticeship the student has to give the NCVT exam on which he avails the Trade Certificate making him capable to be absorbed by companies as skilled labour. One who is unable to clear this exam is termed as semi skilled worker. Skilled worker is paid Rs. 400 extra as compared to semiskilled worker. After acquiring the Trade certificate the candidate is taken as a company trainee in GNB for 1 year. Post company traineeship he is considered as temporary staff for a term of 3years post which depending on his performance he becomes permanant. Special Assignment : Workmen skill development and enhancement programs. ( Configuration of Indian Industries) CII. G is a member of CII. CII coducts workmen skill competition every year from regional o national and worl skill competition. ITI upgradation program: COE (Centre of Excellence) COE is a 11/2yr program called as Broad Based Training for1 year and 6 months Advanced Training. Another CII initiative is Affirmative Action Plan for bettermentof ST/SC by Industries. CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION Corporate Adminstration department includes the following functions : Due Settlement Employee pension Scheme Employee State Insurance Corporation. Central Mail Receiving Despatch DUE SETTLEMENT : Any dues that are left to be settled with the employee at the time after retirement, service termination ,absconding, voluntary retirement scheme and resignations are paid off. The file maintained for due settlement contain the following forms : PF Nomination Declaration Form. Loan Recovery Bank Updation form. Salary disbursement. CDRS ( any death case) EMPLOYEE PENSION SCHEME : The types of pension: Member pension (Super Annuation ) after retirement at age of 58. Disablement pension: Any member who is not able to work due to disablement. Family Pension : If parents expire then children get the pension. EMPLOYEE STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION,1948 Those employees who salary is less than Rs. 15,000/- per month are members of ESIC. Based on the contribution of the employee and the company certain benefits are provided to the employees. : Sickness benefits – 60% of wages are given to employee. Accidental benefits -75% of wages Vocational benefits Employees with more than Rs. 15,000/- per month are not covered under ESIC but according to the Workmen Compensation Act, the employer has to pay the benefits to the employee. CENTRAL MAIL RECEIVING DESPATCH : CMRD Department takes care of Incoming and Outgoing Postal mail/ courier mail and Internal Mail. The postal mails can be ordinary, registered or even speed post. To conclude the Corporate Admin department takes care of the entire administration functions of Godrej Boyce. Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Delphi Thread Pool Example Using AsyncCalls
Delphi Thread Pool Example Using AsyncCalls This is my next test project to see what threading library for Delphi would suite me best for my file scanning task I would like to process in multiple threads / in a thread pool. To repeat my goal: transform my sequential file scanning of 500-2000 files from the non threaded approach to a threaded one. I should not have 500 threads running at one time, thus would like to use a thread pool. A thread pool is a queue-like class feeding a number of running threads with the next task from the queue. The first (very basic) attempt was made by simply extending the TThread class and implementing the Execute method (my threaded string parser). Since Delphi does not have a thread pool class implemented out of the box, in my second attempt Ive tried using OmniThreadLibrary by Primoz Gabrijelcic. OTL is fantastic, has zillion ways to run a task in a background, a way to go if you want to have fire-and-forget approach to handing threaded execution of pieces of your code. AsyncCalls by Andreas Hausladen Note: what follows would be more easy to follow if you first download the source code. While exploring more ways to have some of my functions executed in a threaded manner Ive decided to also try the AsyncCalls.pas unit developed by Andreas Hausladen. Andys AsyncCalls – Asynchronous function calls unit is another library a Delphi developer can use to ease the pain of implementing threaded approach to executing some code. From Andys blog: With AsyncCalls you can execute multiple functions at the same time and synchronize them at every point in the function or method that started them. ... The AsyncCalls unit offers a variety of function prototypes to call asynchronous functions. ... It implements a thread pool! The installation is super easy: just use asynccalls from any of your units and you have instant access to things like execute in a separate thread, synchronize main UI, wait until finished. Beside the free to use (MPL license) AsyncCalls, Andy also frequently publishes his own fixes for the Delphi IDE like Delphi Speed Up and DDevExtensions Im sure youve heard of (if not using already). AsyncCalls In Action source code HTML In essence, all AsyncCall functions return an IAsyncCall interface that allows to synchronize the functions. IAsnycCall exposes the following methods: //v 2.98 of asynccalls.pas IAsyncCall interface //waits until the function is finished and returns the return value function Sync: Integer; //returns True when the asynchron function is finished function Finished: Boolean; //returns the asynchron functions return value, when Finished is TRUE function ReturnValue: Integer; //tells AsyncCalls that the assigned function must not be executed in the current threa procedure ForceDifferentThread; end; Heres an example call to a method expecting two integer parameters (returning an IAsyncCall): TAsyncCalls.Invoke(AsyncMethod, i, Random(500)); function TAsyncCallsForm.AsyncMethod(taskNr, sleepTime: integer): integer; begin result : sleepTime; Sleep(sleepTime); TAsyncCalls.VCLInvoke( procedure begin Log(Format(done nr: %d / tasks: %d / slept: %d, [tasknr, asyncHelper.TaskCount, sleepTime])); end); end; The TAsyncCalls.VCLInvoke is a way to do synchronization with your main thread (applications main thread - your application user interface). VCLInvoke returns immediately. The anonymous method will be executed in the main thread. Theres also VCLSync which returns when the anonymous method was called in the main thread. Thread Pool in AsyncCalls An execution request is added to the waiting-queue when an async. function is started...If the maximum thread number is already reached the request remains in the waiting-queue. Otherwise a new thread is added to the thread pool. Back to my file scanning task: when feeding (in a for loop) the asynccalls thread pool with series of TAsyncCalls.Invoke() calls, the tasks will be added to internal the pool and will get executed when time comes (when previously added calls have finished). Wait All IAsyncCalls To Finish The AsyncMultiSync function defined in asnyccalls waits for the async calls (and other handles) to finish. There are a few overloaded ways to call AsyncMultiSync, and heres the simplest one: function AsyncMultiSync(const List: array of IAsyncCall; WaitAll: Boolean True; Milliseconds: Cardinal INFINITE): Cardinal; dynamic array If I want to have wait all implemented, I need to fill in an array of IAsyncCall and do AsyncMultiSync in slices of 61. My AsnycCalls Helper two dimensional array Heres a piece of the TAsyncCallsHelper: WARNING: partial code! (full code available for download) uses AsyncCalls; type TIAsyncCallArray array of IAsyncCall; TIAsyncCallArrays array of TIAsyncCallArray; TAsyncCallsHelper class private fTasks : TIAsyncCallArrays; property Tasks : TIAsyncCallArrays read fTasks; public procedure AddTask(const call : IAsyncCall); procedure WaitAll; end; WARNING: partial code! procedure TAsyncCallsHelper.WaitAll; var i : integer; begin for i : High(Tasks) downto Low(Tasks) do begin AsyncCalls.AsyncMultiSync(Tasks[i]); end; end; This way I can wait all in chunks of 61 (MAXIMUM_ASYNC_WAIT_OBJECTS) - i.e. waiting for arrays of IAsyncCall. With the above, my main code to feed the thread pool looks like: procedure TAsyncCallsForm.btnAddTasksClick(Sender: TObject); const nrItems 200; var i : integer; begin asyncHelper.MaxThreads : 2 * System.CPUCount; ClearLog(starting); for i : 1 to nrItems do begin asyncHelper.AddTask(TAsyncCalls.Invoke(AsyncMethod, i, Random(500))); end; Log(all in); //wait all //asyncHelper.WaitAll; //or allow canceling all not started by clicking the Cancel All button: while NOT asyncHelper.AllFinished do Application.ProcessMessages; Log(finished); end; Cancel all? - Have To Change The AsyncCalls.pas :( I would also like to have a way of cancelling those tasks that are in the pool but are waiting for their execution. Unfortunately, the AsyncCalls.pas does not provide a simple way of canceling a task once it has been added to the thread pool. Theres no IAsyncCall.Cancel or IAsyncCall.DontDoIfNotAlreadyExecuting or IAsyncCall.NeverMindMe. For this to work I had to change the AsyncCalls.pas by trying to alter it as less as possible - so that when Andy releases a new version I only have to add a few lines to have my Cancel task idea working. Heres what I did: Ive added a procedure Cancel to the IAsyncCall. The Cancel procedure sets the FCancelled (added) field which gets checked when the pool is about to start executing the task. I needed to slightly alter the IAsyncCall.Finished (so that a call reports finished even when cancelled) and the TAsyncCall.InternExecuteAsyncCall procedure (not to execute the call if it has been cancelled). You can use WinMerge to easily locate differences between Andys original asynccall.pas and my altered version (included in the download). You can download the full source code and explore. Confession NOTICE! :) 2.99 version of AsyncCalls The CancelInvocation method stopps the AsyncCall from being invoked. If the AsyncCall is already processed, a call to CancelInvocation has no effect and the Canceled function will return False as the AsyncCall wasnt canceled. The Canceled method returns True if the AsyncCall was canceled by CancelInvocation. The Forget method unlinks the IAsyncCall interface from the internal AsyncCall. This means that if the last reference to the IAsyncCall interface is gone, the asynchronous call will be still executed. The interfaces methods will throw an exception if called after calling Forget. The async function must not call into the main thread because it could be executed after the TThread.Synchronize/Queue mechanism was shut down by the RTL what can cause a dead lock. no need to use my altered version Note, though, that you can still benefit from my AsyncCallsHelper if you need to wait for all async calls to finish with asyncHelper.WaitAll; or if you need to CancelAll.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Robot Lab Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Robot Lab Report - Essay Example To define more precisely, Robot is â€Å"a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks†(merriam-webster). The task is instructed to the robot in the form of programs using any programming language. Robot can either be guided using a remote control or can be made completely automatic by pre-defining the directions in the program thereby replacing the complete human interventions. One such application of automated robots would be in industries where these robots handle tasks like cutting, welding, packing and moving to the correct destinations and so on, thereby increasing productivity, safety and profitability. Though the initial cost of purchasing a robot is comparatively higher, the advantages they offer simply overwhelms them. As a part of our Robot study course, we have designed and programmed one such automated robot using Lego NXT, a programmable robotics kit from Lego. Lego NXT comes with a brick shaped device called NXT Intelligent Brick which forms the brain of the robot. This device can be thought of an intelligent micro computer that can be programmable with many compatible programming languages. It can operate with up to four sensors and up to three motors. It also comes with an in-built LCD display and necessary buttons to navigate the user interfaces using hierarchical menus and a speaker to play sound files. Simple programs can be developed using this menus and more complicated programs can be downloaded through USB or Bluetooth. Though it can be programmed with many compatible languages, we have chosen Lejos, a high level open source language based on Java, for programming the device. A step by step procedure on how we have developed the robot is summarized below: Sensor Calibration: â€Å"A sensor (also called detector) is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument†(Wikipedia). Sensor is like an eye for the Robot, without which they are actually blind. A robot uses sensors for detecting what is happening around them so that they can respond or react to varying circumstances. In our design, we have used a simple ultrasonic sensor. This ultrasonic sensor is attached to the Lego NXT brick and series of measurement were taken in order to calibrate the sensor. The various factors involved in sensor calibration include sensitivity- the smallest change in input that will be detectable in the output, range- the minimum and maximum distances it a can measure, precision- the degree of reproducibility of a measurement i.e if the same value were measured a multiple of times, and good sensor would output exactly the same value every time, resolution- the smallest detectable incremental change of input parameter that can be measured in the output signal, accuracy- the maximum difference between the actual value (which can be measured by a ruler) and the indicated value at the output of the sensor, linearity- an ex pression of the extent to which the actual measured curve of a sensor departs from the ideal straight line and Hysteresis- the measure of capability of the sensor to follow the changes of the input parameter regardless of which direction the change is made. The measurement for each factor is recorded and the device is calibrated. Odometry and Dead Reckoning: Now that we have calibrated the sensor for the robot to recognize when to respond, the next step is to help the robot know
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Comparison and critique of two English article Essay
Comparison and critique of two English article - Essay Example This shows how well informed the author is on issues affecting the English language. It is in relation to the command that ethos are applied to make the article appealing to the audience and the reader because, projects valid arguments backed by valid references into the history of language. On the other hand, â€Å"I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language†by John Humphrys also bears a form of ethos by referring to everyday events that the audience and readers of the article can easily relate (Humphrys). This is concerning texting and the influence it has on the daily use of language in today’s society. However, it fails to some extent to provide a strong argument for the degradation of language by texting. The above is due to the constant referral to personal opinions, albeit true, and over emphasis on a single consequence of texting. This is concerning the bias he has against violation of language rules rather that the positive side of ease in communication that texting has brought with it. Emotionally, none of the two articles is appealing to the audience if looked at in critical level. The only emotion elicited from both is that of sympathy directed at the mutilation of language especially in the texting article by John Humphrys. The article by Steven Pinker does little to capture the emotions of the audience except by giving hope of the language not dying, which elicits a sense of relief (Pinker). The purpose of both papers varies depending on the article; this is due to the target audience and the intended response from the audience. Pinker’s article dwells more on the hope that exists for the English language, as opposed to the dangers that English as a language faces in terms of extinction due to mutilation and evolution. In relation to the application of logic, Pinker does well by relating his ideas based on systematic thought. This occurs due to the numerous deductions that he makes based on the daily life occurrences, as
Monday, January 27, 2020
Building Maintenance Management Systems
Building Maintenance Management Systems Building maintenance management just like the Cinderella of construction industry. This is because building maintenance management team has to do various job and bear the function of other parties, namely architects, surveyors, engineers, or facilities managers. Building maintenance management also has never been recognized in its own right (Allen, 1993). There are numerous definitions of building maintenance as it different to different people. According to the Chartered Institute of Building, building maintenance is defined as work conducted to keep, restore or improve every facility, that is every part of a premise, site and its service to an acceptable standard. The accceptable standard is determined by the balance between the need and available resources. While White suggest that maintenace also is similar with controlling the condition of the building so that its feature lies within specific regions (White, 1969). Other definition comes from Bushell and quoting from BS 3811, th at defines maintenance as a combination of any action carry out in order to perpetuate the things in or restore it to an agreed condition (Bushell, 1985). Another more practical definition mentioned by Allen is the combination of all technical and associated administrative actions to pertuate an item or restore it to a condition that it can perform its desired function. Hence, building maintenance is very crucial as it is required since the beginning of the construction period. However, its importance was not recognized (Allen, 1993). Maintenance is needed to ensure the building perform well and the best over its life cycle (Olanrewaju, 2009). A regular and good maintenance of a building may enhance the sustainability of any building either it a heritage or non-heritage building (Arazi, 2010). Lee (1984) has elaborate more that maintenance is also required in order to ensure that buildings are used effectively and economically as possible (Lee, 1984). Meanwhile, according to the inv estopedia, efficiency mean the degree of performance that reflects a process that uses the lowest amount of resources to create the greatest amount of outcomes. Efficiency is an important character as all resources such as time, money and raw materials are scarce. So, it is makes sense to conserve the resources while maintaining an acceptable level of outcomes or a general production level. Efficient also can be simply said as reducing the amount of wasted resources. Therefore, ensuring efficiency in building maintenance practices in this paper means the work undertaken in order to preserve and conserve a building to enhance the value of a building is done with the lowest amount of resources without wasting it. Nevertheless, there are five objectives of building maintenance that are mentioned by Alner and Fellows (1990). The objectives are to ensure that the buildings and their associated services are in a safe condition, to ensure the buildings are suited for use, to ensure that the state of the building fulfill all statutory requirements, to run the maintenance work necessary in order to maintain the value of the building stocks physical asset and also to run the work needed in order to maintain the quality of the building. THE WAYS TO ENSURE EFFICIENCY IN BUILDING MAINTENANCE PRACTICES In order to ensure a building is keep, preserve, restore and improve without wasting all resources, a number of efficient ways can be carried out by the property manager, building maintenance management or any related party. Firstly, the maintenance management team should involve in the design stage of the construction to draw some strategies in order to make sure the efficiency in building maintenance practices over the life cycle of buildings. A number of the design strategies mentioned by Nayanthara (2010) are design for adequate safety, design for maintenance needs, design for the environment, plan for easy maintenance and design for efficient access. Design for adequate safety is the most crucial design strategy for maintainability of buildings. A proper design for the load carrying, joint design and detailing, structures suitability and the piping are able to avoid many failures such as cracking and leaking of the building, therefore can provide the adequate safety againts thos e failures. Design for maintenance needs is also important strategy as it can reduce the maintainability cost in the future. For example in the design stage of the construction, the maintenance team has make the option to use the low-maintenance materials, components and elements in constructing the building. The selection of those materials, components and elements in design stage may lessen the maintenance cost in the future. While, there are two fragments of environment under the design for the environment, that are micro-environment and macro-environment. Micro-environment can be describe through the degree of exposure to the external climate, level and the nature of usage. While macro-environment can be evaluted as location of building and different zones such as industrial, coastal area, urban and rural. The environment aspect should be taken into account while designing the building as Malaysia has tropical climate which is high humidity, uniform temperature and has abundant rainfall throughout the year. Nayanthara also mentioned that in the design stage, the builders team should plan for easy maintenance in the future. This strategy is related to the design for the environment strategy. The builders team should choose the material that is durable in order to less maintenance work and cost, for example, the type of paint for external wall must be weather shield so that it is long last and no need to repaint the building frequently. In addition, design for easy access for maintenance work such as roof and basement can ensure the efficient maintenance work (Nayanthara, 2010). The second way that can be adopted to ensure the efficiency in building maintenance practices is by controlling the quality of construction or workmanship. It is very important to make an assurance of the quality during the construction stage to avoid failures such as cracks, spalling and leakage. Assurance of construction quality could be determined by the consistency of materials in the design stage and construction stage. The builders team must strictly follow the planning during design stage. In addition, the election of good contractors, consultants and efficient workers who have well experience are also essential to assure the quality of the building construction. Quality assurance in the construction stage may help in reducing the failures in the future and hence, the maintenance of buildings will be efficiently done (Nayanthara, 2010). Strategy for maintaining buildings can be split into three strategies namely corrective, preventive and condition-based strategies (R.M.W. Horner, 1997). In ensuring the efficient building maintenance practices, a good strategy for the maintenance work should be properly done by the building maintenance team or else, the cost for maintenance will rise. The most crucial is preventive maintenance schedule. The preventive maintenance schedule must be done after the completion of the building over its life cycles. Preventive maintenance schedule is to preserve the physical of the building and wipe out the corrective maintenance cost. An efficient preventive maintenance schedule includes daily maintenance, weekly maintenance, monthly maintenance, quarterly maintenance, bi-annually maintenance and annually maintenance. Daily maintenance for building such as cleaning the toilets, common areas, ground areas, vacuuming elevators must be done everyday, even more than once a day. Daily or routi ne maintenance is very important among others as it involve major operating expense. Cleaning and housekeeping work must be carefully scheduled and controlled because costs can be easily become excessive (Kyle, 1999). With the existence of preventive maintenance schedules, buildings and equipment in the building will last longer and run more efficiently. Building maintenance team also will be seen as a professional team as they work with the efficient preventive maintenance schedule. The forth way that can be adopted is by using computer-aided system in the building maintenance work. In maintaining buildings, computerized system is very necessary because a lot of information and data such as the completion date of buildings, the contractors and engineer that involved in construction, the financial statement, information of past maintenance work, and etc that need to be recorded, saved and remembered. In addition, property atributes such as basic property information like address, telephone number, person incharge for maintenance , area, number of floor and age; component information like type and model number of boilers and pump; and maintenance information like inspection cycles and painting cycles have to be recorded and saved. Computerized system is much more efficient as it is fast in recording the ample information, retrieving any data needed and capable in analysing the data (Pitt, 1986). If the building maintenance team work manually with the substantial d ata, all the works will be slower and not efficient. Maintenance schedule also can be done by using computerized system, indeed it is more effective and practical for maintenance team. Last but not least, the implemention of Malaysias Building and Common Property Act 2007 is necessary in ensuring the efficiency of building maintenance practices, especially for strata property such as condominium, apartments, gated community developments, flats, commercial buildings like offices, shopping complexes, mixed developments and industrial buildings. Malaysias government provide this act after realizing that there is a lack in Housing Developers Act and the Strata Title Act as well as existence of wide gaps between developers and purchasers, for appropriate maintenance and management of buildings and also common property (Isma, 2011). All this while, there are many problems arise between the developers, purchasers and management corporation (MC) of strata properties. Some of the problems are developers failed to apply for the Strata Title because the management corporation (MC) is unable to be formed. The management corporation (MC) could not be formed due to the committee s of the management corporation (MC) must be solely the owner of the unit and the management of the building is totally managed by them without interfered by the developer, but, the management corporation (MC) can only be formed after one-quarter of the aggregate share unit has been transferred to the owner. The management corporations power to practices their duty is also limited and not effective (Isma, 2011). Other than that, the problem also arise when there are defaulting developers and inefficiency property managers who take advantage and trying to make huge profits by providing lower quality services but charging a high fee to the purchasers (Tiun, 2009). So, to eliminate the problems that are arise before, Joint Management Body (JMB) and Commissioner of Building (COB) is formed under the Malaysias Building and Common Property Act 2007. The Commissioner of Building is created to ensure that all parties play their role effectively. The efficient building maintenance practices coukd be formed by the empowered of Commissioner of Building to issue warrant to those purchaser who does not pay the maintenance charges for six months and it is mandotary to all developers to submit the audited maintenance account yearly to the Commissioner of Building (COB) (Isma, 2011). With the provisions, building maintenance work for strata properties will be more transparent, efficient and no longer developer who take advantage towards purchasers.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
In this paper I will be writing about the â€Å"Gaze†which is present within impressionist artist Renoir’s painting The Umbrellas. The gaze gives us a lot of insight of the figures and the relationships we may be viewing. In the case of Renoir’s work the insight the viewer gets is the actions and preemptive thought before a meeting of two people looking on as a spectator in the very same crowd. By using blurring techniques of background figures Renoir succeeds in creating a scene that appears like a glance, like a moment in time the viewer stepped upon and intently stared. The gaze present in Renoir’s, The Umbrellas (c. 1883) is meant to provoke the conception of assessing a situation from afar, and endeavoring on the chance of action before your subject of interest notices your intentions. Renoir places the viewer in the role as the spectator watching the scene of a young woman carrying a basket, lingering behind her with his full attention is a man as if leaning in to speak to her or offer her shelter from the rain, as she has none. This woman, attractive, is gazing away from the man towards the direction of the viewer eyes glazed, vulnerably clutching her dress. To her right in the crowd the spectator makes eye contact with small girl continuing the gaze as her mother is watching her intently, and sure enough would follow her daughter’s gaze catching the viewer staring. This gaze makes full circle whilst the spectator awaits this chance to approach the young women passing by the crowded street vastly filled with brush stroked umbrellas. Renoir plays with the projection of a moment in time of a man meeting a woman or two people who will miss the opportunity and pass by. The gaze freezes this brief moment in time making it as if the viewer themselves are within the crowd weighing the situation before it occurs trading â€Å"on contemporary anxieties of the necessity of weighing up a situation and acting quickly in order to evade detection.. †(Smith, 40). True to the impressionist way being that â€Å"the impressionists attempted to paint what the eye actually sees, rather than what the brain interprets from visual cues. (Gilbert, 459) Renoir painted The Umbrellas as a glance over a crowd and with the face of the flaneur man behind the young woman of interest was clearly less detailed and blurred. Blurred as if glanced over quickly an uninteresting figure to the viewer, whilst the woman is in clear view and draws the eye of the spectator as if they were in the crowd and caught off guard by her presence. The way the woman’s â€Å"eyes seem removed from her immediate surroundings: their mysterious searching look contrasts with the carefree, wide-eyes glance of the little girl and the protective downcast glance of her mother. (Kern, 33). As well as how Renoir positioned the body of the woman looking outwards in contrast to the innocent and straightforward stance of the little girl connect and contrast one another. This contrast continues the gaze from person to person connecting the spectator to the scene creating the feeling of anxiousness and fear of being caught staring whether by the mother or the young woman of interest herself. As well the little girl holding the hoop is very prominent as the viewer would see her staring at him and take notice not only to her but to the mother that they would fear would also soon catch the gaze. This piece by Renoir is very much successful in creating a feeling of anxiety in the spectator due to his use of placement of figures and brush stroke technique of blurring out non-prominent figures. Though most of all it is successful due to the gaze that lies present in the image of this busy city street view. As one looks upon this painting you feel as if you yourself have stopped at a moment in time to look upon the scene contemplating your next actions. As the gaze reaches the end of its journey you feel an urge to look away before a figure feels your stare upon them and turns from the painting and looks at you.
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