Thursday, November 14, 2019

Warren G. Harding, President Essay -- Politics

Warren G. Harding, President (1865-1923) Harding was born on November 2, 1865, in Corsica (now Bloomington Grove), Ohio. He was eldest of eight children. His father, George Tryon Harding, was a farmer and a doctor. His mother, Phoebe Dickerson Harding, was a "gentle, pious" woman who devoted herself to her children. As a boy Warren helped his fater on the farm. In the summer he worked in a sawmill that made brooms, and he drove a team of horses for the Toledo and Ohio Central Railroaad. His father was later quoted as saying , "Warren was always willing to work hard if there was any money in it." Later Warren would become a printers apprentance, and office boy on the Caledonia Argus, a local newspaper. There he learned how to set type and gained his first newspaper experience. In 1879, at the age of 14, Harding entered Ohio Central College in Iberia. After graduating in 1882 he took a job as a schoolteacher. But he gave it up after one term, calling it the hardest job he ever had. The following year the Hardings moved to Marion, Ohio. Harding studied law for a few months, bu...

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