Friday, January 3, 2020
Effects Of Poverty On Children s Social Interaction Skills
Effects of Poverty on Children’s Social Interaction Skills Salanya Inmaung University of San Francisco November 2014 Effects of Poverty on Children’s Social Skills As the American population grows, more and more children are born into poverty. Even in the world’s wealthiest nation, you will find 45.3 million people struggling to put food on the table. These are families of poverty - families with children who do not have the appropriate basic resources to properly raise their children. The official U.S. government poverty threshold for a family of four is currently set at $23,021. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, in the United States alone, the percentage of children living in families below the poverty level increased from 15.6 percent in 2001 to 21.4 percent in 2011, and has continued to increase. Now, there are 16.1 million stunted in the rut of poverty. That is 16.1 million children are unable to properly grow and develop into a healthy member of society because of unsatisfying environmental factors. There is little information about the may mental health implications of spending early years in poverty. There are many consequences of growing up in poverty. Depression, communication issues, and academic issues are just the tip of the iceberg. My research will be focusing on how living life in poverty has an immense impact on children’s social interaction skills. First of all, it is important to know the statistics of children inShow MoreRelatedStudents Of Poverty. As A Teacher, You Are Going To Have1596 Words  | 7 PagesStudents of Poverty As a teacher, you are going to have students with different interests, races, backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. It is your job to get to know them, understand their differences, and make them all feel as equally important and valued as any other student. 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